Roof Damage Claim Tampa Bay

One of the most common insurance claims in the industry is for roofing damage. Damage to a roof is usually the result of natural disasters, such as hurricanes and tornadoes, for example. Hail is also a common culprit in certain climates, as are sinkholes and fire. Oftentimes, the roof is only a part of the complete amount of damage. If the roof has been damaged, then there may be water damage inside the building. If you are considering filing a claim, make sure to note not just the roof damage, but any other damage as well.

You should also carefully consider whether to file a claim at all. Take a look at your policy and go over all of the details with a fine-toothed comb. Then you will have a good idea of what is covered and what is not. Get your roof checked out by a  professional and get their opinion o the cost of the repair as well. It may be that the repair will cost less than the deductible, in which case you probably do not want to tell the insurance company.


A Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange (CLUE) report is intended to keep track of a homeowner’s insurance score. This could affect someone’s insurance premiums in the future. Even if you do not report damage claims to your insurance company, a report may still be filed and it may affect your CLUE report rating.

Circumstances Behind a Roof Damage Claim

There are some circumstances that must be met in order to file a roof damage insurance claim. You must give evidence of the entire circumstance behind what caused the damage. This includes what shape the roof was in beforehand. They will need to know how old the roof is, and in what condition it was in before the damage. They will also want details regarding the roofing system you had and the type of roofing structure. If there are any records of maintenance or repairs, those must be submitted as well.

Some common causes of damage include roof membrane that has gotten pulled up, shingles that are broken or missing, scouring, and gouge marks. If there is a breach through the roof, then that can alter the pressure inside the building, which can threaten a building’s structural integrity. There could also be damage to the roof that is not visible without a very close examination. The first sign might be water damage inside your home.

One of those invisible problems is when the roof membrane can be damaged, surprisingly, by the torquing of the A/C unit. If the roof membrane is damaged or lifts up from the deck, then there is a serious risk of leaking. Another hard to detect issue is when nails get pulled up from wind pressure and the layers of your roof start to separate.

During the Repairs After a Claim

In almost all claims, the insurance provider will not cover you for any pre-existing problems with the roof. A public adjuster can help separate what is new damage and what was already there. They can also aid in the process of settling disputes between the insurance company and the claimant.

You also may need to be moved to a different home while the roof is being repaired. The insurance company should cover this if it would be dangerous to remain in the home.

Roof Damage Attorneys

After your claim is successful, contact a certified roofing contractor to perform the repairs or the replacement of your roof. In most cases, the claim should cover all the costs. However, sometimes there is only partial coverage, sometimes as low as 30%. Once the repairs or the replacement is complete, you can return to your home knowing that you are protected again.

Plumbing Insurance Claims Tampa Bay

It goes without saying that if you have insurance for a certain issue, that you should be properly compensated for it. If you have had some plumbing damage, no matter how big or small, your insurance company should be ready to pay out for your loss. As we all know, sometimes insurance companies deny such claims seemingly without justification. If that happens, a reputable attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve.

The damage caused by problems such as leaky plumbing and burst pipes can be extremely expensive. Not only does the water need to be cleared away, but everything must be dried out. If there is water damage, then it must be repaired or even replaced. This includes not only components of the building, such as framing and drywall, but also personal possessions. Most piping is under flooring and behind walls, so this damage can be extensive.

One of the worst situations is when a pipe burst while everyone is away from home. In this case, it is not caught until possibly days later, and even a slow leak will have had time to create a massive amount of damage. They say that slow leaks add up pretty fast, so if you are gone for a week, you could end up with hundreds of gallons of extra water into your home or business.

Not only will there be immediate problems with a leak, but some problems will only show up a little later. If moisture from a leak gets into your carpets and onto your wooden floors, it can cause rotting. Damp conditions are also great for mold to thrive, which is a great danger to the health of your family. Too much mold or an unsafe home because of rotting, make require you to leave your home for a time while everything is being fixed. This is an additional cost, since you will need to rent living accommodations during that time. Unlike a slow leak from a pipe, these costs will all come in a great big wave.

Too much of the damage from plumbing issues is hidden, and it takes experts to help inspect and identify those problems to notify the insurance company. We can help by providing investigators and plumbing professionals to make sure that all of your problems and costs are documented and provided to the insurance company. Of course, those professionals can also help fix any issues if they arise down the road after a plumbing mishap.

It is important to remember that your insurance company is not always necessarily acting in your best interest. They are a business, and their focus is to make money. Paying out expensive insurance claims does not help them with that. If you receive a settlement offer from your insurance provider, make sure to have an attorney look it over. They will make sure that the offer covers the full amount of compensation that you deserve. If your claim is denied, then an attorney can help you fight that denial and work to get you that compensation, so that a plumbing problem does not leave you high and dry.